Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ibis is the common name
for various wading birds
having long, curved bills
and belonging to the fa-
mily Threskiornithidae,
which also includes the spoonbill. Ibis are found in most of the warmer areas of
the world and are familiar among the hieroglyphics on ancient Egyptian
monuments. The sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica, of Africa
was worshiped in ancient Egypt for its legendary powers.
Two American species formerly confined to the
extreme south have extended their ranges northward in recent years: the
glossy ibis,
Plegadis falcinellus, approximately 60-cm in length and dark bronze
blue, now reaches Maine in annual flights; and the white ibis,
Eudocimus albus, larger and white with blackwingtips,
now nests in Virginia. The scarlet ibis of tropical
South America is approximately 60-cm
long. It makes its nest in
huge coastal

Scarlet ibis

Sacred ibis

White ibis

Red ibis

Glossy ibis
"The bird-watchers's life is an endless succession of surprises."
W.H. Hudson -- The book of a Naturalist


kjpweb said...

Very nice roundup! Well done.
Just one minor correction. The "red Ibis" as such is the same as the Scarlet Ibis. It is not a standalone species - just a different name for the same bird! :)
Cheers, Klaus

The Man Under the Mango Tree said...

Thanks Klaus for the correction. Keep it in mind...