Saturday, April 12, 2008


Do you know what the strangest language is? Read on…

The story happened when I was still working at West-in Philippine Plaza Hotel.

The setting was at 9th floor of the hotel. There were two guests standing near the elevator foyer. I was at west wing and within a hearing distance from the American and a Filipino guest. Obviously, they were waiting for the elevator car.

We heard the sound of the elevator car coming. The two guests readied themselves. When the door opened on the 9th floor, the Filipino guest ask the elevator man, “ Bababa ba?” ( Going down?)

The elevator man answered, “ Bababa.”

After hearing this, the American turned his back and made a few steps, as if he was going back to his room. Suddenly, he turned back again after hearing the clinging sound (signifying that the door is closed and ready to descend). He walks straight to me and said, “What was that? It’s so strange. All they’ve said was “bababa” and they understood each other?”

He was relieved when I translated to him what he heard. I accompanied him down.

“I thought they were into something sinister,” he said to me when we’re inside the elevator car.

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