Saturday, April 26, 2008


All life on earth depends on water. A drop of dew, runoff rivulets from supersaturated moss, and the billowing sea are all links in the hydrologic cycle. This is the constant movement of water from ocean back to ocean by means of evaporation, condensation, rain, and runoff - a circular process that washes and nourishes all life on earth.

A man's weight is 70% water. A blade of grass is 90 to 95%
water. Water covers three fourts of the earth, as river, lake,
swamp, sea, icecap. The Bible tells us we are survivors of a
blood. Today's scientists concur that all life began in the oceans and that, though certain creatures have succeeded in living out of water, none we know has or will succeed in living without it.

For those of us whose concerns over water extend no further than to the kitchen tap or to the shower stall, it is hard to imagine that people one very continent are coping right now with water as nature provides it
where they are - too much or too little of it, muddy, salty, stagnant, turbulent, or frozen. In many areas of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, andLatin America, economic and social progress is showed by antiquatedways of using water and by widespread disease resulting from water

Each year huge amounts of industrial wastes are dumped into the world's waters. Each year more people waste more water. The future of water in the balance of nature is of grave concern; it and the future of man are inextricably linked.


Daisy said...

Where I live, we have water restrictions in effect because we are in a drought. This means there are only certain days when we can run our sprinklers or wash the car. I hope we get more rain this season.

Bay Martin said...

A drop of water can save a drop of life.

Bay Martin said...

A drop of water is a breath of life!