Thursday, April 10, 2008

ROBERT JAMES "BOBBY" FISCHER: The Genius of the 64-Square Board

The King is Dead! Robert James Fischer, the King of the Chessboard, died aged 64 (Jan. 17, 2008), of kidney failure in Reykjavik,Iceland, the scene of his 1972 "Match of the Century" victory over Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union. He was 64 ( the same number as the squares in the chessboard.) Such a great loss to the chess playing world.

He was the second chessplayer to be called "The Pride and Sorrow of Chess." (The first was Paul Morphy, during the 19th Century)

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Anonymous said...

It's really a big loss in the chess world. I don't play chess, but I got the chance to read many things about Mr. Fischer. He was really a very chessplayer and a was a real grandmaster.

Anonymous said...

He was a recluse man, hid away from the attention of the public. He led a quiet life, free from the limelight of the glittering world. He visited the Philippines ones.