Monday, July 14, 2008

An Elegant Hunter

The slender, serval cat is a nocturnal hunter of the African forests and savannahs. With its long legs and athletic build it can catch the swiftest prey, and will even snatch birds out of the air by leaping up at them as they fly fast. A good swimmer, it favours riverside habitats with dense vegetation, where its spotted coat blends into the light-dappled background.

Although it is an efficient climber, the serval usually hunts at ground level. Its long legs enable it to run very quickly, fast enough to catch young antelopes, although it usually concentrates on smaller prey, seeking out hares, rodents and birds such as guinea-fowl.

. Servals are widespread south of the Sahara, and are found in both savannah and forested areas.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

That sure is a beautiful type of cat. I wish I could run that fast!